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I am a man on a mission… to share gifts I learned through a challenging life experience and have a good time along the way.

I help high performers like you do the most important work there is:

Healing and empowering yourself to become permanently more happy, healthy, and productive.

I do this through shadow work, lifestyle upgrades, and psychedelic medicine.

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How are you speaking to yourself

Read time: 4 minutes

Welcome to Wisdom Weekly:

Get proven strategies to become permanently more happy, healthy, and productive… in around 10 minutes a week.

Today’s Wisdom:

  • Big idea: How are you speaking to yourself?
  • Short lesson: Where does the voice come from?
  • Deep quote: What is impressed, must be expressed
  • Quick takeaway: Incantations to get you started
  • Top video: Take control of your mind

Big idea: How are you speaking to yourself?

It’s the most cliche advice:

Mindset is everything.

But it’s the truth.

The easiest way to tune into your current mindset is this:

How are you speaking to yourself?

Short lesson: Where does the voice come from?

Self-talk is automatic; a program if you will.

A deeply engrained habit that will continue to influence everything in our lives.

Everything from our results…

  • The amount of money we make.
  • The quality of relationships we have.
  • The quality of life we experience.
  • The speed of progress we create.

To our happiness.

It’s all a byproduct of the internal program creating the self-talk you experience.

Similar to a computer, you can have a program that benefits you (software) or one that destroys you (virus).

Negative self-talk is a virus… a subconscious program reinforcing fear, failure, and scarcity.

It’s the first indicator of your current “state” both emotionally and mentally.

A positive state is gratitude, joy, and love.

A negative state is worry, shame, and frustration.

So how do we shift our inner voice? And why is this important?

It’s important because as mentioned: your mental and emotional state dictate the quality of your life and results. Your self-talk is an indicator of your mental and emotional state.

To shift (reprogram) your self-talk we have two approaches:

Change your state.

In order to quiet the voice, and stop the negative spiral we can shift our state.

“Feeling” is a word we created to describe what state we are aware of being in.

It starts with emotion.

You can’t be in a positive emotion, and a negative mental state at the same time.

Gratitude is my favorite method.

How cool is it that you are alive? That you even get to have “problems”? How much do you love your family? What is your favorite kind of food, and how does it make you feel? Isn’t life bad ass, even when it’s hard?

There’s tons to be grateful for.

Once you notice the negative voice creeping in, acknowledge it.

And then choose to step into a better state.

Upgrade the voice.

Another method is to listen.

What is the voice saying?

Catch it.

Write it down, or say it out loud.

Reframe it, and replace it.


“I’m overwhelmed” → “I can do this, one step at a time.”

“I’m behind” → “I’m right where I need to be. And I’m headed to where I want to go.”

“Why do I keep getting stuck?” → “Woah, there must be something for me to learn. What is this trying to teach me?”

I also recommend incantations (no not affirmations).

The difference?

Affirmations: saying something you think will make you feel better, or change who you are.

Incantations: using emotion while exclaiming how you feel and who you are.

One is based on hope.

The other on scientific evidence:

Our brain doesn’t know the difference between imagination and reality.

Emotions or experiences we think of, are as powerful as ones we live through.

Incantations use emotion, and body language to anchor in what we say deep into our mind.

Reprogramming the “virus” that has been holding us back, and fueling the negative self-talk.

Hope this helps you, like it’s helped me over the years.

Deep quote: What is impressed, must be expressed

Watch your thoughts, for they will become your words. Watch your words, for they will become your actions.
— Lao Tzu

Our mind is the fertile soil that grows any seed we plant in it.

Quick takeaway: Incantations to get you started

Here are two incantations you can read out loud (with emotion) to understand what I mean.

A teacher of mine that passed on shared the first one:

I am so happy and grateful that I am God’s highest form of creation.

There never has been, and there never will be another person created that will equal me.

I love my life.

I am in control of my life because I am in control of me.

I know that whatever happens outside of me has no bearing on who I am.

The second one is a famous quote I rewrote in the first person:

My deepest fear is not I Am inadequate. My deepest fear is that I Am powerful beyond measure.

It is my light not my darkness that most frightens me.

I ask myself, who Am I to be brilliant, gorgeous, talented and fabulous?

Actually, who Am I not to be?

I Am a child of God.

My playing small does not serve the world.

There’s nothing enlightened about shrinking so that other

people won’t feel insecure around me.

I was born to make manifest the glory of God that is within me.

It’s not just in me; it’s in everyone.

And as I let my own light shine, I unconsciously give other people permission to do the same.

As I Am liberated from my own fear, My presence automatically liberates others.

video preview

Take control of your mind

What I learned from studying bright minds of the past, and movies like The Matrix about reprogramming our mind.

In case you missed it: In Wednesday’s letter, I covered how journaling will change your life in 2025.

You can read it here.

P.S. Whenever you’re ready, here’s how I can help:

If you haven’t already…

⚡️ Join The Activation Collective For Free

Your first step to hit your goals and thrive in mind, body, spirit—and your bank account. Get high-quality, no-BS resources like The G.S.D. Planner + Goal Tracker to achieve your goals, and become permanently happier, healthier, and more productive—alongside a badass community for support.

Or, you can…

➡️ Work With Me

I’ll help you overcome your mental blocks (self-doubt, procrastination, and perfectionism) so you can achieve your biggest goals and build unstoppable momentum—without wasting years in therapy, reading endless self-help books, or relying on trial and error.

Mention “2025” when we talk for a special deal just for you.

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