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Who is Christopher?

I am a man on a mission… to share gifts I learned through a challenging life experience and have a good time along the way.

I help high performers like you do the most important work there is:

Healing and empowering yourself to become permanently more happy, healthy, and productive.

I do this through shadow work, lifestyle upgrades, and psychedelic medicine.

other ways I can help you


Work With Me

Everything you need to overcome the habits, beliefs, and experiences that have held you back… to become permanently happier, healthier, and more productive.


Come to my retreats

Experience the transformational power of psychedelic medicine. Completely improve your behavior and beliefs for the better with weekend group experiences designed to help you breakthrough on the deepest level possible.


Join my soul family

I believe we can't do this work, or life alone. Together we can move mountains. Currently I have a few communities I lead both online and in person.

In the cave you fear is the treasure you seek

Read Time: 3.5 Minutes

“Unlock your potential and elevate your life in six minutes or less.”

Welcome to Six Minute Saturdays, my weekly newsletter where I pass along practical tips and strategies for creating a life of wealth, happiness, and freedom. Abundance is your birthright, claim it.

What you can expect today:

  • The Topic: In the cave you fear is the treasure you seek
  • The Tip: You can always find the path again
  • The Takeaway: Plant medicine consultation
  • The Thought: The most terrifying thing
  • The Tribute: My partner in crime
  • The Top Video: What I’ve learned from psychedelics (so far…)

Today’s Topic: You can do anything… but not everything

The world consists of people afraid to face their own shadow.

We all have one, and psychologist Carl Jung dedicated his legendary career to researching it.

Within our shadow is:

  • Parts of ourself that we suppress

  • Any painful wounds

  • Unconscious patterns

and more.

It holds our darker nature as human beings… along with much of our personality, talents, and gifts.

Within the dark spooky cave of our own shadow is where the gold is.

Carl liked to say until we bring our shadow to the light it will run our life without us knowing.

Exploring our shadow is the highest return on investment work we can do on ourselves.

A mentor of mine Connor Beaton (mantalks) taught me something powerful back in 2022.

I wanted to know why I kept struggling with the same issues.

I felt closed off and judgmental towards others.

I numbed out whenever my emotions crept in.

All of the solutions I was seeking were to be found within my shadow.

That sneaky, unknown, and unseen part of myself.

So what exactly is the shadow?

Similar to the inner child it is a part of our psyche (mind) that holds all of our pain.

  • Insecurities

  • Fears

  • Regrets

  • Shame

Connor liked to call it “The hurt locker of our psyche”.

“The shadow is our undealt, unfelt, repressed, denied, and disowned pain, and that pain has some intelligence.”

Connor Beaton

You can’t (and shouldn’t) kill, disown, or ignore this part of yourself.

The shadow holds the key to make yourself whole, and empowered (along with the inner child).

How can you begin to explore your shadow, and uncover the missing pieces of yourself?

Self reflection. My favorite method is a journal, and some questions.

Here are some questions to help you start this process:

  • “What is something I know would be good for me but tend to avoid?”

  • “The things I normally judge other people for are…?”

  • “What is something I know is bad for me but I tend to do anyways?”

And if you want to go deeper, I am always here to guide you. 1on1 sessions below.

Today’s Tip: You can always find the path again

“Life is a constant series of realignments”

I was told this by a girl I was seeing last year after deciding I wasn’t going to be her boyfriend.

“I don’t believe in fate, or things needing to happen a certain way. I think that life is a constant series of realignments. Sure, things can go a certain way or come along for a reason… but nothing is set in stone.”

I think about that statement often. It is very empowering.

What if no matter what we did, or didn’t do… we can still find our way back to our path.

God doesn’t abandon us, and although the path may change it still remains.

Sometimes things don’t go as planned. They aren’t how they “should be”, “could be”, or “would be”.

But it is what it is. Now what are we going to do about it?

Find the path.

Get back on the pony.

One foot in front of the other.

Trusting that we are right where we need to be, and divinely guided on the road ahead.

Having faith is how we never lose our way.

Today’s Takeaway: Have you ever done breathwork?

I have had people reach out to ask questions about the work I am doing with plant medicine.

Many of you have been curious, and interested to learn more… but I understand it can be scary or even taboo.

That’s why I am offering this week to do free 1on1 consultations.

  • Learn more about plant medicine.

  • Understand how to safely experience it.

  • Personal recommendations based on your life experience.

You can grab a slot below if you are interested.

P.S – We have less than 20 days til our November retreat with a few spots still available. Reply for a coupon to save over 15% 🙂

Today’s Thought: The most terrifying thing

Can you learn to be completely at peace with who you are?

“The most terrifying thing is to accept oneself completely”

Carl Jung

Today’s Tribute: My partner in crime

Each week I am going to give a tribute to someone special:

  • A member in the community
  • Impactful people in my life
  • One of my clients kicking ass

This week I want to shout out my partner Aubree for many reasons.

  1. Her growth since we met almost two years ago.
  2. Being in a relationship with me isn’t the easiest but she continues to pursue me.
  3. Supporting and collaborating on our retreats that are changing lives.
  4. Being a source of sunshine for everyone around her.

I feel grateful to experience a love like this with you sweet girl.

Top Video This Week:

video preview

what I’ve learned from psychedelics (so far…)

how I got into psychedelics and what I have learned

In Case You Missed It:

In Thursday’s Issue, I covered the main thing that keeps people from being happy.

You can read it here.

When you are ready… here’s how I can help:

Come to my retreats

Experience the power of entheogenic medicines.

There is nothing more powerful or proven for healing, growth, and transformation.

Book a 1-on-1 call with me

Get 1 hour with me to discuss anything you want and need.

Some topics could include:

  • how to uncover and heal your core limiting beliefs and wounds that are holding you back.
  • how to reprogram your mind to manifest abundance, live with purpose, and becoming more magnetic to the best things in life.
  • how to live more holistically for peak mental, physical, spiritual, and emotional health.
  • how to use psychedelic medicines safely, or talk about and understand your psychedelic experiences.

Or anything else you want to discuss.

Join my communities

Join holistic. (free for now)

🚫 we’re fed poison mentally, physically, & spiritually to feel shitty and lost.

✅ join us to unlock your best mind, body, & spirit on your terms ASAP

Join Psychedelic Medicine Family

a safe place to discuss, share, & learn about the magic of psychedelic medicines for the use of healing, transformation, & growth. life’s a trip ☀️

You can reply directly to this email with any questions, wins, or thoughts you had this week.

Thank you for joining me this week.

With love, support, & gratitude,
Riley Conder

“It does not matter how slowly you go as long as you do not stop.”Confucius

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