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Who is Christopher?

I am a man on a mission… to share gifts I learned through a challenging life experience and have a good time along the way.

I help high performers like you do the most important work there is:

Healing and empowering yourself to become permanently more happy, healthy, and productive.

I do this through shadow work, lifestyle upgrades, and psychedelic medicine.

other ways I can help you


Work With Me

Everything you need to overcome the habits, beliefs, and experiences that have held you back… to become permanently happier, healthier, and more productive.


Come to my retreats

Experience the transformational power of psychedelic medicine. Completely improve your behavior and beliefs for the better with weekend group experiences designed to help you breakthrough on the deepest level possible.


Join my soul family

I believe we can't do this work, or life alone. Together we can move mountains. Currently I have a few communities I lead both online and in person.

Read time : 3.5 minutes

Welcome to Wisdom Weekly:

Get proven strategies to become permanently more happy, healthy and productive… in around 10 minutes a week.

Today’s Wisdom:

  • Big idea: What Einstein knew that we don’t
  • Short lesson: Everything is energy
  • Deep quote: Faith vs Fear
  • Quick takeaway: How to meditate
  • Top video: How The Universe Helps You Reach Your Goals

Big idea: What Einstein knew that we don’t

Concerning matter, we have been all wrong. What we have called matter is energy, whose vibration has been so lowered as to be perceptible to the senses. There is no matter.
— Albert Einstein

This quote beautifully shares a profound truth from both modern science and ancient wisdom: physical reality isn’t as solid as it appears.

5th grader explanation:

Matter is the substance of physical reality. A rock. Your car. My hat.

What he is saying is that “physical” objects aren’t solid. They are energy, slowed down to the point they seem solid.

Matter aka physical reality doesn’t exist. It’s all energy.

Buckle up, this one is going to massage your mind.

Short lesson: Everything is energy

It’s quantum physics: everything at the most fundamental level is made up of vibration.

The subatomic particles that make up our world are constantly vibrating.

It’s all energy.

Energy cannot be created, or destroyed… only altered.

Everything around us then can be altered, by our energy.

Our energy is also vibrating.

High vibration = positive thoughts and emotions.

Low vibration = negative thoughts and emotions.

We are not physical beings, although we have a body.

We are energetic beings temporarily housed in a body.

Think about it.

You often zip off into dreams, or deep thought.

Next thing you know you are experiencing something in your mind as if it were real.

  • You disassociate from the present moment.
  • Emotions from past experiences surface.
  • Your body tenses or begins to move.

Have you ever wondered why this happens?

Your imagination is like a 3D printing press:

It needs instructions (your thoughts).

It takes energy (your emotions).

It creates matter (your physical experience).

We alter our physical reality by changing our vibration through our thoughts and emotions.

Thoughts become things. If you see it in your mind, you will hold it in your hand.
— Bob Proctor

With enough repetition your mind will 3D print anything you tell it to.

Good or bad. Positive or negative. Light or dark.

The Bible talks about this in the Book of Job.

I ignore the religious context of Satan, or God punishing him and look between the lines:

“For the thing which I greatly feared is come upon me, and that which I was afraid of is come unto me”

His deeply rooted fears, and negative thoughts manifested in him losing his wealth, and family.

Whether you “believe” in this or not, this is fact.

Your mind is God’s gift of creation.

You are the creator of your life, circumstances, and results.

All that befalls a person is in some way, shape, or form influenced by them.

Use this gift to your advantage, or be used by it to your demise.

Here’s how to use this gift for your highest good:

Create space in your mind with meditation.

Then, fill that space by planting positive seeds into the garden of your mind.

  • Thought
  • Images
  • Emotions

If you’d like to learn how to do this, I am creating a course in my free group that will release soon. You can join that below, if you haven’t already.

Deep quote: Faith vs Fear

This rocked my world when I read it:

Faith and fear both demand you believe in something you cannot see. You choose.
— Bob Proctor

Quick takeaway: How to meditate

I talk to people all the time that say “I can’t meditate. My mind doesn’t shut off, and I can’t sit still.”

With love, it’s not that hard.

You just don’t know how to do it right.

People look for retreats for themselves, in the country, by the coast, or in the hills. There is nowhere that a person can find a more peaceful and trouble-free retreat than in his own mind. . . . So constantly give yourself this retreat, and renew yourself.
— Marcus Aurelius

You aren’t a child, you can sit still.

Exercise your will and give yourself the best gift you can: meditate.

Here’s how:

Find a quiet place if possible.

  1. Sit down in a chair, or cross legged on a pillow.
  2. Close your eyes.
  3. Slow your mind down by breathing.
  4. Let your thoughts run wild, as you focus on your breath.
  5. Feel your energy drop from your head, into your body.
  6. Relax.
  7. Enjoy!

That’s it!

Whoever said you aren’t supposed to have thoughts while meditating was wrong.

Your brain eventually will learn to shut off, but at first it’s about creating space.

Imagine your mind is wound up, and each time you meditate you unwind a little more.

Eventually, it’s not wound up. It just is.

During meditation, once my mind gets quiet I usually do this:

  • Visualize my ideal future, ideal self, and a successful day ahead.
  • Ask for support from higher power.

Look for some guided meditations I’ll be creating soon 🙂

video preview

How The Universe Helps You Reach Your Goals

You can’t control everything… but you don’t need to do it all alone.

In case you missed it: In Wednesday’s letter, I covered the best daily routine I’ve found and a powerful meditation that’s proven to make you more money.

You can read it here.

P.S. Whenever you’re ready, here’s how I can help:

If you haven’t already…

⚡️ Join The Activation Collective For Free

Your first step to hit your goals and thrive in mind, body, spirit—and your bank account. Get high-quality, no-BS resources like The G.S.D. Planner to achieve your goals, and become permanently happier, healthier, and more productive—alongside a badass community for support.

Or, you can…

🎯 Work With Me ➡️ (Get Your 1st Call Free)

I’ll help you overcome overwhelm (self-doubt, procrastination, and perfectionism) so you can achieve your biggest goals and build unstoppable momentum—without wasting years in therapy, reading endless self-help books, or relying on trial and error.

New Years Sale ends January 19th, 2024.
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